

Search results: 6
Ellie vs. The Evil Peanut Butter
Ellie vs. The Evil Peanut Butter

Ellie trying to get the irritating goop off her shnoz.

Time: 02:13
Added: October 28, 2020
Views: 6294

fight of the night
fight of the night

my husky and golden retriever playing 2gether

Time: 03:41
Added: September 29, 2020
Views: 11450

Cat wearing Glasses
Cat wearing Glasses

Yuuiki (the cat) managed to get a credit card and ordered $1500 Google Glass. This is good and bad. He stopped licking for a minute but now I know what he is thinking. After downloading his files I have surmised that he like lizards, birds and dry food. He dreams of recipes.

Time: 00:45
Added: April 6, 2020
Views: 3886

Cat licks wall
Cat licks wall

The cat continues for no explained reason to lick the wall of the apartment, disregarding the calls by the owner.

Time: 00:36
Added: March 15, 2019
Views: 6570

Main category:
Funny animal videos

cat cute

Cat Licks Owner's Head
Cat Licks Owner's Head

My kitty Panda loves to like hubby's bald head! He recently climbed up hubby's back to do so.

Time: 01:10
Added: November 7, 2018
Views: 11553

Main category:
Funny animal videos



Funniest or Weirdest thing!!??
Funniest or Weirdest thing!!??

For the past 4 days my dog keeps licking the pup in the mouth , im not sure if its because she as bad breath or because shes loosing some teeth

Time: 01:55
Added: April 11, 2020
Views: 12105

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